Implemented types

class async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse(success: bool = True, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Superclass of all API responses.


success (bool) – wether the response was successful. Useful to spot errors

to_string(*, level: int = 0, sep='    ', nl: str = '\n')

Returns a prettified string representation of the object.

  • level (int) – starting level of indentation. Default: 0

  • sep (str) – character sequence for indentation. Default: 4 spaces

  • nl (str) – new line sequence. Default ‘n’

class async_riot_api.types.RiotApiError(message: str = 'Bad Request', status_code: int = 400, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

General API response error.

  • message (str) – message contained in the response. Default ‘Bad Request’

  • status_code (int) – error code from the response. Default 400

class async_riot_api.types.ShortChampionDD(blurb: str, id: str, image: dict, info: dict, key: str, name: str, partype: str, stats: dict, tags: List[str], title: str, version: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Short information about a champion

  • blurb (str) – short description

  • id (str) – name of the champion without non-alphabetic characters

  • image (ChampionImageDD) – information about the images of a champion

  • info (ChampionInfoDD) – schematic information about the champion

  • key (str) – unique key for a champion. For some reason this is originally a string, despite representing an integer

  • name (str) – complete name of the champion

  • partype (str) – type of energy used by the champion. Usually ‘Mana’ but could be ‘Energy’ or others

  • stats (ChampionStatsDD) – statistics of the champion

  • tags (List[str]) – tags about the champion, like ‘Fighter’, ‘Mage’

  • title (str) – short title of the champion

  • version (str) – valid version for this object

Other attributes:
int_id (int):

integer representation of param ShortChampionDD.key. Not present in the original data type, useful for some methods and, more importantly, coherent with the represented value

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionDD(id: str, key: str, name: str, title: str, image: dict, skins: List[dict], lore: str, blurb: str, allytips: List[str], enemytips: List[str], tags: List[str], partype: str, info: dict, stats: dict, spells: List[dict], passive: dict, recommended: list, version: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.ShortChampionDD

Complete information about a champion.

Look at ShortChampionDD for the complete list of parameters.

  • skins (List[ChampionSkinDD]) – list of skins

  • lore (str) – lore of the champion

  • allytips (List[str]) – list of tips for summoners playing the champion

  • enemytips (List[str]) – list of tipo for summoners playing against the champion

  • spells (List[ChampionSpellDD]) – list of information about this champion’s spells

  • passive (ChampionPassiveDD) – information about this champion’s passive ability

  • recommended (List[unknown]) – no idea of what this is, haven’t found any champion with a non-empty list of recommended

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionImageDD(full: str, sprite: str, group: str, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Details about the champion’s image.

  • full (str) – file name of the image. The complete url can be obtained from get_champion_image_url_from_id()

  • sprite (str) – don’t really know what this is, some kind of image with more images inside. You can find more info here

  • group (str) – sub-category in which you can find the sprite of this image, more info in the same link as above

  • x (int) – x coordinate of the sprite in which you can find this image

  • y (int) – y coordinate of the sprite in which you can find this image

  • w (int) – width of the image in the sprite, starting from coordinates (x, y)

  • h (int) – height of the image in the sprite, starting from coordinates (x, y)

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionSkinDD(id: str, num: int, name: str, chromas: bool, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Details about the champion’s skins.

  • id (str) – unique id of the skin. It is made by concatenating the champ ID and the skin number (with 3 digits). Example: champion “Veigar” (ID 45), skin “Final Boss” (num 8), result: “45008”

  • num (int) – number of the skin

  • name (str) – name of the skin, including the champion name (if present)

  • chromas (bool) – if the skin has got chromas

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionInfoDD(attack: int, defense: int, magic: int, difficulty: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Schematic information about the champion. You can find this information in the LoL client by going to a champion’s page.

  • attack (int) – the higher this value, the higher the champion deals damage using auto attacks

  • defense (int) – the higher this value, the higher the champion is tanky

  • magic (int) – the higher this value, the higher the champion deals damage using spells

  • difficulty (int) – the higher this value, the more difficult is to master this champion

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionStatsDD(hp: int, hpperlevel: int, mp: int, mpperlevel: int, movespeed: int, armor: int, armorperlevel: float, spellblock: int, spellblockperlevel: float, attackrange: int, hpregen: int, hpregenperlevel: int, mpregen: int, mpregenperlevel: int, crit: int, critperlevel: int, attackdamage: int, attackdamageperlevel: int, attackspeedperlevel: float, attackspeed: float, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Detailed information about a champion’s base stats and how they increase when leveling up. Here i list their meanings and their unit of measurement where:

  • u stands for “unit”

  • l stands for “level”

  • s stands for “second”

  • hp (int) – base health points (u)

  • hpperlevel (int) – extra HP per level (u / l)

  • mp (int) – base mana points (u)

  • mpperlevel (int) – extra mana points per level (u / l)

  • movespeed (int) – base movement speed (u / s)

  • armor (int) – base armor (u)

  • armorperlevel (float) – extra armor per level (u / l)

  • spellblock (int) – base magic resistance (u)

  • spellblockperlevel (float) – extra magic resistance per level (u / l)

  • attackrange (int) – base attack range (u)

  • hpregen (int) – base HP regeneration (u / 5s)

  • hpregenperlevel (int) – extra HP regeneration per level (u / 5s / l)

  • mpregen (int) – base mana regeneration (u / 5s)

  • mpregenperlevel (int) – extra mana regeneration per level (u / 5s / l)

  • crit (int) – base critical chance (u)

  • critperlevel (int) – extra critical chance per level (u / l)

  • attackdamage (int) – base attack damage (u)

  • attackdamageperlevel (int) – extra attack damage per level (u / l)

  • attackspeedperlevel (float) – extra attack speed per level (u / s / l)

  • attackspeed (float) – base attack speed (u / s)

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionSpellDD(id: str, name: str, description: str, tooltip: str, maxrank: int, cooldown: List[int], cooldownBurn: str, cost: List[int], costBurn: str, datavalues: dict, effect: List[Optional[List[int]]], effectBurn: List[Optional[str]], vars: List[Any], costType: str, maxammo: str, range: List[int], rangeBurn: str, image: dict, leveltip: Optional[dict] = None, resource: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Specific information about a champion spell (skill). Complete documentation about string placeholders and parsing is here.

  • id (str) – spell’s ID, including champion name and spell name

  • name (str) – spell’s name

  • description (str) – spell’s description

  • tooltip (str) – similar to description, but contains placeholders to build a string including data about damage per level, AP/AD scaling ecc. Can be parsed to make the string look like the one in game

  • maxrank (int) – maximum rank for this ability

  • cooldown (List[int]) – data about placeholders for cooldown

  • cooldownBurn (str) – like cooldown, but as string

  • cost (List[int]) – data about placeholders for cost

  • costBurn (str) – like cost, but as string

  • datavalues (ChampionSpellDatavaluesDD) – no documentation found. No champion found with a non-empty dict of datavalues

  • effect (List[Optional[List[int]]]) – like cost, but when the spell costs health. The first element is always None for design reasons

  • effectBurn (List[Optional[str]]) – like effect, but as string

  • vars (List[unknown]) – no documentation found. No champion found with a non-empty list of vars

  • costType (str) – type of resources spent for using the ability

  • maxammo (str) – in case the spell has ammos, like traps. ‘-1’ if no ammos. For some reason this integer is represented as a string

  • range (List[int]) – data about placeholders for range

  • rangeBurn (str) – like range, but as string

  • image (ChampionSpellImageDD) – details about the spell’s image

  • leveltip (ChampionSpellLeveltipDD) – data about placeholders for levels

  • resource (Optional[str]) – placeholder for cost

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionSpellLeveltipDD(label: List[str], effect: List[str], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionSpellDatavaluesDD(**kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionSpellImageDD(full: str, sprite: str, group: str, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionPassiveDD(name: str, description: str, image: dict, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionPassiveImageDD(full: str, sprite: str, group: str, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.QueueDD(queueId: int, map: str, description: str, notes: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Representation of a queue. Not actually returned by any API call, but still usefu sometimes.

  • queueId (int) – queue ID

  • map (str) – map name

  • description (str) – description of the queue

  • notes (str) – notes about the queue, like ‘deprecated since version x’

class async_riot_api.types.AccountDto(puuid: str, gameName: str, tagLine: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Basic information about a Riot Games account.

  • puuid (str) – puuid of the account. Useful for many API methods

  • gameName (str) – in-game name of the account

  • tagLine (str) – tag line of the account

class async_riot_api.types.ActiveShardDto(puuid: str, game: str, activeShard: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

No idea about what this is. Probably the server in which the summoner plays.

  • puuid (str) – puuid

  • game (str) – game. Can be ‘val’ or ‘lor’

  • activeShard (str) – probably the server in which the summoner plays

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionMasteryDto(championPointsUntilNextLevel: int, chestGranted: bool, championId: int, lastPlayTime: int, championLevel: int, summonerId: str, championPoints: int, championPointsSinceLastLevel: int, tokensEarned: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Information about a summoner’s mastery levels, tokens and chests.

  • championPointsUntilNextLevel (int) – points needed for the mastery to upgrade to the next level

  • chestGranted (bool) – if the player already got the weekly chest on the champion

  • championId (int) – champion ID

  • lastPlayTime (int) – laste time the player played the champion

  • lastPlayTimeSeconds (int) – laste time the player played the champion (granted to be in seconds)

  • championLevel (int) – mastery level for the champion. Min 1, max 7

  • summonerId (str) – summoner ID

  • championPoints (int) – mastery points for the champion

  • championPointsSinceLastLevel (int) – points earned since last mastery level

  • tokensEarned (int) – tokens earned to upgrade the mastery level to level 6 (0-2) or 7 (0-3)

class async_riot_api.types.ChampionInfo(maxNewPlayerLevel: int, freeChampionIdsForNewPlayers: List[int], freeChampionIds: List[int], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Information about the current champion rotation and the new players’ champion rotation.

  • maxNewPlayerLevel (int) – max level for a player to have the beginner rotation available

  • freeChampionIdsForNewPlayers (List[int]) – list of champion IDs free-to-play for beginners

  • freeChampionIds (List[int[) – list of champion IDs free-to-play for non-beginner players

class async_riot_api.types.PlayerDto(summonerId: str, teamId: str, position: str, role: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Data about a player in a clash.

  • summonerId (str) – summoner ID

  • teamId (str) – team ID

  • position (str) – position selected by the summoner

  • role (str) – role selected by the summoner

class async_riot_api.types.ClashTeamDto(id: str, tournamentId: int, name: str, iconId: int, tier: int, captain: str, abbreviation: str, players: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.TournamentDto(id: int, themeId: int, nameKey: str, nameKeySecondary: str, schedule: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Information about a tournament.

  • id (int) – tournament ID

  • themeId (int) – no idea, not originally documented

  • nameKey (str) – no idea, not originally documented

  • nameKeySecondary (str) – no idea, not originally documented

  • schedule (TournamentPhaseDto) – schedule for this tournament

class async_riot_api.types.TournamentPhaseDto(id: int, registrationTime: int, startTime: int, cancelled: bool, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Schedule information for a tournament.

  • id (int) – ID

  • registrationTime (int) – timestamp in ms

  • registrationTimeSeconds (int) – timestamp in seconds

  • startTime (int) – timestamp in ms

  • startTimeSeconds (int) – timestamp in seconds

  • cancelled (bool) – wether the tournament is cancelled

class async_riot_api.types.LeagueListDTO(tier: str, leagueId: str, queue: str, name: str, entries: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

List of information about leagues for summoners in the same queue.

  • tier (str) – rank tier, like ‘CHALLENGER’ or ‘MASTER’

  • leagueId (str) – league ID

  • queue (str) – queue type, like ‘RANKED_SOLO_5x5’

  • name (str) – list name

  • entries (List[LeagueItemDTO]) – entries for this list

class async_riot_api.types.LeagueItemDTO(summonerId: str, summonerName: str, leaguePoints: int, rank: str, wins: int, losses: int, veteran: bool, inactive: bool, freshBlood: bool, hotStreak: bool, miniSeries: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Simplified information about a summoner’s rank in a queue, returned by methods for apex tiers. Some information are missing since they are included in the higher level object LeagueListDTO containing this object.

  • summonerId (str) – summoner ID

  • summonerName (str) – summoner name

  • leaguePoints (int) – aka LP

  • rank (str) – rank of the summoner, between ‘I’ and ‘IV’ (in roman numbers)

  • wins (int) – wins for this season

  • losses (int) – losses for this season

  • veteran (bool) – wether the summoner is a veteran in this rank

  • inactive (bool) – wether the summoner is inactive

  • freshBlood (bool) – wether the summoner is a new entry in this rank

  • hotStreak (bool) – wether the summoner is on a hot streak (winning streak)

  • miniSeries (Optional[MiniSeriesDTO]) – information about a summoner miniseries, if they are about to get promoted from a tier to the next

class async_riot_api.types.LeagueEntryDTO(summonerId: str, summonerName: str, queueType: str, leaguePoints: int, wins: int, losses: int, hotStreak: bool, veteran: bool, freshBlood: bool, inactive: bool, miniSeries: Optional[dict] = None, leagueId: Optional[str] = None, tier: Optional[str] = None, rank: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.LeagueItemDTO

Complete information about summoner’s league.

Look at LeagueItemDTO for the complete list of parameters.

  • queueType (str) – queue for this entry, like ‘RANKED_SOLO_5x5’

  • leagueId (Optional[str]) – league ID

  • tier (Optional[str]) – tier for this entry, like ‘SILVER’ or ‘DIAMOND’

Other attributes:
short (Optional[str]):

short representation of rank and tier. For example ‘DIAMOND III’ becomes ‘D3’. Exception is made for ‘GRANDMASTER x’ which becomes ‘GMx’ due to the ambuguity between ‘GOLD’ and ‘GRANDMASTER’

class async_riot_api.types.MiniSeriesDTO(losses: int, progress: str, target: int, wins: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Information about a summoner’s miniseries, if they are about to get promoted to the next tier. Miniseries consist in 5 matches in which you have to win 3 times to get promoted. Before season 11, miniseries were also required when passing from a rank to another, with 3 matches instead of 5 and 2 victories instead of 3.

  • losses (int) – losses in this miniseries

  • progress (str) – string representing wins and losses. for example ‘WWLNN’ means two wins, one loss and two matches remained

  • target (int) – number of wins to reach

  • wins (int) – wins in this miniseries

class async_riot_api.types.ShardStatus(name: str, slug: str, locales: List[str], hostname: str, region_tag: str, services: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.Service(name: str, slug: str, status: str, incidents: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.Incident(id: int, active: bool, created_at: str, updates: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.Message(id: str, author: str, heading: str, content: str, severity: str, created_at: str, updated_at: str, translations: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.Translation(locale: str, heading: str, content: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.PlatformDataDto(id: str, name: str, locales: List[str], maintenances: List[dict], incidents: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.StatusDto(id: int, maintenance_status: str, incident_severity: Optional[str], titles: List[dict], updates: List[dict], created_at: str, archive_at: str, updated_at: Optional[str], platforms: List[str], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.ContentDto(locale: str, content: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.UpdateDto(id: int, author: str, publish: bool, publish_locations: List[str], translations: List[dict], created_at: str, updated_at: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.LorMatchDto(metadata: dict, info: dict, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Base object containing inforamtion about a LoR match.

  • metadata (LorMetadataDto) – to access the ordered list of participants

  • info (LorInfoDto) – more detailed infor about players

class async_riot_api.types.LorMetadataDto(data_version: str, match_id: str, participants: List[str], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Metadata about the match.

  • data_version (str) – version of the game

  • match_id (str) – match ID

  • participants (List[str]) – ordered list of participants, represented by their puuid

class async_riot_api.types.LorInfoDto(game_mode: str, game_type: str, game_start_time_utc: str, game_version: str, players: List[dict], total_turn_count: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Detailed information about a LoR match. Contains information about mode, duration and players.

  • game_mode (str) – game mode

  • game_type (str) – game type

  • game_start_time_utc (str) – game start time utc

  • game_version (str) – game version

  • players (List[LorPlayerDto]) – list of detailed information about the players involved in the match, in the same order as LorMetadataDto

  • total_turn_count (int) – total turn count

class async_riot_api.types.LorPlayerDto(puuid: str, deck_id: str, deck_code: str, factions: List[str], game_outcome: str, order_of_play: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Detailed information about a player in a LoR match.

  • puuid (str) – puuid

  • deck_id (str) – deck ID

  • deck_code (str) – deck code

  • factions (List[str]) – factions persent in the deck

  • game_outcome (str) – result of the game

  • order_of_play (int) – order if play in the game

class async_riot_api.types.LorLeaderboardDto(players: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

List of players in LoR Master tier. :param players: list of players :type players: List[LorLeaderboardPlayerDto]

class async_riot_api.types.LorLeaderboardPlayerDto(name: str, rank: int, lp: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

Information about a player in LoR Master tier.

  • name (str) – summoner’s name

  • rank (int) – summoner’s rank

  • lp (int) – summoner’s LP

class async_riot_api.types.MatchDto(metadata: dict, info: dict, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MetadataDto(dataVersion: str, matchId: str, participants: List[str], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.InfoDto(gameCreation: int, gameDuration: int, gameId: int, gameMode: str, gameName: str, gameStartTimestamp: int, gameType: str, gameVersion: str, mapId: int, participants: List[str], platformId: str, queueId: int, teams: List[dict], tournamentCode: Optional[str] = None, gameEndTimestamp: int = 0, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.ParticipantDto(assists: int, baronKills: int, bountyLevel: int, champExperience: int, champLevel: int, championId: int, championName: str, championTransform: int, consumablesPurchased: int, damageDealtToBuildings: int, damageDealtToObjectives: int, damageDealtToTurrets: int, damageSelfMitigated: int, deaths: int, detectorWardsPlaced: int, doubleKills: int, dragonKills: int, firstBloodAssist: bool, firstBloodKill: bool, firstTowerAssist: bool, firstTowerKill: bool, gameEndedInEarlySurrender: bool, gameEndedInSurrender: bool, goldEarned: int, goldSpent: int, individualPosition: str, inhibitorKills: int, inhibitorsLost: int, item0: int, item1: int, item2: int, item3: int, item4: int, item5: int, item6: int, itemsPurchased: int, killingSprees: int, kills: int, lane: str, largestCriticalStrike: int, largestKillingSpree: int, largestMultiKill: int, longestTimeSpentLiving: int, magicDamageDealt: int, magicDamageDealtToChampions: int, magicDamageTaken: int, neutralMinionsKilled: int, nexusKills: int, nexusLost: int, objectivesStolen: int, objectivesStolenAssists: int, participantId: int, pentaKills: int, perks: dict, physicalDamageDealt: int, physicalDamageDealtToChampions: int, physicalDamageTaken: int, profileIcon: int, puuid: str, quadraKills: int, riotIdName: str, riotIdTagline: str, role: str, sightWardsBoughtInGame: int, spell1Casts: int, spell2Casts: int, spell3Casts: int, spell4Casts: int, summoner1Casts: int, summoner1Id: int, summoner2Casts: int, summoner2Id: int, summonerId: str, summonerLevel: int, summonerName: str, teamEarlySurrendered: bool, teamId: int, teamPosition: str, timeCCingOthers: int, timePlayed: int, totalDamageDealt: int, totalDamageDealtToChampions: int, totalDamageShieldedOnTeammates: int, totalDamageTaken: int, totalHeal: int, totalHealsOnTeammates: int, totalMinionsKilled: int, totalTimeCCDealt: int, totalTimeSpentDead: int, totalUnitsHealed: int, tripleKills: int, trueDamageDealt: int, trueDamageDealtToChampions: int, trueDamageTaken: int, turretKills: int, turretsLost: int, unrealKills: int, visionScore: int, visionWardsBoughtInGame: int, wardsKilled: int, wardsPlaced: int, win: bool, inhibitorTakedowns: int = 0, nexusTakedowns: int = 0, turretTakedowns: int = 0, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.PerksDto(statPerks: dict, styles: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.PerkStatsDto(defense: int, flex: int, offense: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.PerkStyleDto(description: str, selections: List[dict], style: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.PerkStyleSelectionDto(perk: int, var1: int, var2: int, var3: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.TeamDto(bans: List[dict], objectives: dict, teamId: int, win: bool, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.BanDto(championId: int, pickTurn: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.ObjectivesDto(baron: dict, champion: dict, dragon: dict, inhibitor: dict, riftHerald: dict, tower: dict, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.ObjectiveDto(first: bool, kills: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MatchTimelineDto(metadata: dict, info: dict, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MTLInfoDto(frameInterval: int, frames: List[dict], gameId: int, participants: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MTLFrameDto(events: List[dict], participantFrames: dict, timestamp: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MTLEventDto(timestamp: int, type: str, levelUpType: Optional[str] = None, participantId: Optional[int] = None, skillSlot: Optional[int] = None, realTimestamp: Optional[int] = None, itemId: Optional[int] = None, afterId: Optional[int] = None, beforeId: Optional[int] = None, goldGain: Optional[int] = None, creatorId: Optional[int] = None, wardType: Optional[int] = None, assistingParticipantIds: Optional[List[int]] = None, bounty: Optional[int] = None, killStreakLength: Optional[int] = None, killerId: Optional[int] = None, position: Optional[dict] = None, victimDamageDealt: Optional[List[dict]] = None, victimDamageReceived: Optional[List[dict]] = None, victimId: Optional[int] = None, killType: Optional[int] = None, level: Optional[int] = None, multiKillLength: Optional[int] = None, laneType: Optional[str] = None, teamId: Optional[int] = None, killerTeamId: Optional[int] = None, monsterSubType: Optional[str] = None, monsterType: Optional[str] = None, buildingType: Optional[str] = None, towerType: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, gameId: Optional[int] = None, winningTeam: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MTLDamageDto(basic: bool, magicDamage: int, name: str, participantId: int, physicalDamage: int, spellName: str, spellSlot: int, trueDamage: int, type: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MTLParticipantFramesDto(f1: dict, f2: dict, f3: dict, f4: dict, f5: dict, f6: dict, f7: dict, f8: dict, f9: dict, f10: dict, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MTLParticipantFrameDto(championStats: dict, currentGold: int, damageStats: dict, goldPerSecond: int, jungleMinionsKilled: int, level: int, minionsKilled: int, participantId: int, position: dict, timeEnemySpentControlled: int, totalGold: int, xp: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MTLChampionStatsDto(abilityHaste: int, abilityPower: int, armor: int, armorPen: int, armorPenPercent: int, attackDamage: int, attackSpeed: int, bonusArmorPenPercent: int, bonusMagicPenPercent: int, ccReduction: int, cooldownReduction: int, health: int, healthMax: int, healthRegen: int, lifesteal: int, magicPen: int, magicPenPercent: int, magicResist: int, movementSpeed: int, omnivamp: int, physicalVamp: int, power: int, powerMax: int, powerRegen: int, spellVamp: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MTLDamageStatsDto(magicDamageDone: int, magicDamageDoneToChampions: int, magicDamageTaken: int, physicalDamageDone: int, physicalDamageDoneToChampions: int, physicalDamageTaken: int, totalDamageDone: int, totalDamageDoneToChampions: int, totalDamageTaken: int, trueDamageDone: int, trueDamageDoneToChampions: int, trueDamageTaken: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MTLPositionDto(x: int, y: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.MTLParticipantDto(participantId: int, puuid: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.CurrentGameInfo(gameId: int, gameType: str, gameStartTime: int, mapId: int, gameLength: int, platformId: str, gameMode: str, bannedChampions: List[dict], gameQueueConfigId: int, observers: dict, participants: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.BannedChampion(championId: int, teamId: int, pickTurn: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.CurrentGameParticipant(championId: int, perks: dict, profileIconId: int, bot: bool, teamId: int, summonerName: str, summonerId: str, spell1Id: int, spell2Id: int, gameCustomizationObjects: List[dict], **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.Perks(perkIds: List[int], perkStyle: int, perkSubStyle: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.GameCustomizationObject(category: str, content: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.FeaturedGames(gameList: List[dict], clientRefreshInterval: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.FeaturedGameInfo(gameMode: str, gameLength: int, mapId: int, gameType: str, bannedChampions: List[dict], gameId: int, observers: dict, gameQueueConfigId: int, gameStartTime: int, participants: List[dict], platformId: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.Observer(encryptionKey: str, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.Participant(teamId: int, spell1Id: int, spell2Id: int, championId: int, profileIconId: int, summonerName: str, bot: bool, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse

class async_riot_api.types.SummonerDTO(accountId: str, profileIconId: int, revisionDate: int, name: str, id: str, puuid: str, summonerLevel: int, **kwargs)

Bases: async_riot_api.types.RiotApiResponse